Cahaya Mulia Paradiso

Percayakan Liburanmu Bersama Kami

Mau Liburan ke Bali?

Paket Liburan di bali

Paket Tour Bali 2023

Nikmati Liburan di Bali dengan Paket Wisata Bali pilihan bersama Cahaya Mulia Paradiso. Pilih Paket Liburan Bali mulai dari paket tour 1 Hari, Paket Familiy Tour, paket tour 3 hari 2 malam, paket tour 4 hari 3 malam, paket Outbound, Activity, Nusa Penida, Paket Honeymoon dan lainnya.
Kami juga menyediakan Sewa Mobil di Bali Dengan Sopir untuk anda yang ingin berkeliling Bali dengan itinerary sesuai keinginan sendiri. Segera Booking dari Sekarang!

ⓘ For foreigner please go to this website Bali Paradiso

Paket Promo

Bingung tahun baru mau kemana? Liburan di Bali aja. Ada promo Paket Tahun Baru 2024 murah khusus untuk anda. Yuk booking sekarang sebelum kehabisan

Ajak keluarga anda berlibur di Bali. Dengan Paket Tour Bali Keluarga, semua jadi lebih mudah. Kami akan jemput dan antar kemanapun anda inginkan.

Dengan Paket Tour Bali Free & Easy ini anda bebas menentukan tempat wisata yang ingin anda kunjungi. Driver kami akan setia  menemani anda.

Paket Tour Bali Tanpa Hotel (Regular)

Paket Tour Regular adalah paket tur yang mencakup biaya transportasi selama perjalanan, Paket tour ini belum mencakup tiket pesawat, penginapan, makanan, dan tiket masuk objek wisata yang termasuk dalam itinerary sehingga anda bisa mengatur biaya lain sesuai kebutuhan anda.

Paket Tour Bali Dengan Hotel (All Inclusive)

Paket Tour All Inclusive adalah Paket Tour Bali include Hotel, yang mencakup semua biaya yang dibutuhkan selama perjalanan, sehingga Anda tidak perlu khawatir dengan biaya tambahan yang mungkin terjadi selama perjalanan. Paket tour biasanya mencakup hotel, transportasi selama perjalanan, makanan, dan biaya kunjungan objek wisata yang termasuk dalam itinerary serta tiket pesawat. Paket ini cocok untuk anda yang tidak mau repot mengurus akomodasi selama perjalanan sehingga bisa fokus menikmati liburan anda.

Featured tours

Paket Tour Pilihan

Destinasi Populer

Tanah Lot

Pantai Pandawa

Pantai Melasti



Based on 17 reviews
Best Experience with CMP Bali Tour Price for tour is affordable, tour guide so kind, friendly & responsive. Many thanks to Pak Gede & Bu Agus, you're so kind 🙏
Our unforgettable adventure in Bali I would like to share my sincere enthusiasm and satisfaction about the experience we had with our guide in Bali. We had the best time of our lives, and we owe it all to Putu. From the beginning it was clear that he wanted to show us the hidden treasures of Bali that are off the beaten path. We were offered the utmost attention and our every wish was catered to. Whether we wanted to visit a particular beach or try an authentic Balinese dish, he always had a plan and took us there. he also showed us places by locals that you would never see otherwise. His knowledge of the non-touristy places was impressive and we felt privileged to discover these special places. Another reason why our guide was so remarkable was his caring. He always had cold water with him and made sure we were comfortable and well taken care of. It was great to know that he had our needs in mind and cared about our well-being. The beauty of Bali was presented to us in a very special way. He led us to the most breathtaking places we could imagine. From the impressive rice terraces in Ubud to the picturesque waterfalls, every place we visited left a lasting impression. Our guide knew the best viewpoints and hidden trails Bali has to offer. However, what really set our guide apart was his personality. Day by day, he became not only our guide, but also a true friend. His friendliness, humor, and passion for his homeland were contagious. He took the time to teach us about Bali's culture and history and patiently answered all of our questions. Through him we were able to build a deeper connection to this beautiful country. Finally, I would like to emphasize that we were not only provided with high quality services, but also at a fair price. At no time did we feel ripped off and we were grateful for his dedication and professionalism. Our experience in Bali was simply unforgettable. Thanks to CMP - Bali we were able to experience the true beauty of Bali and develop a deep appreciation for the culture and history. We highly recommend CMP to anyone visiting Bali who wants to experience an unforgettable trip off the beaten path.
Great Companion We've visited bali in June 23, and it was a wonderful trip. Thanks to Mr. Octa for the guidance. He and his team was great taking us to all the places. A 5 star to him.
Excellence experience in Tirta Mengening Thankyou so much for the service to Tirta Mengening with Bapak Made Octa,It such a great experience even almost late at night but finally reach there and have an excellence with unforgettable experience. See you again Bali ☺️
Walaa A
Walaa A
It was amazing thanks to our driver and guidance as well (Brata) We choose Bali for our honeymoon it was so good so worth it ,, we make alot of memories visit amazing plces as our driver (Brata) recommended to us .. he was gentle,kind and very useful.. we will recommended him to all our friends who will visit Bali in the future
Great Made Subrana is a very pleasant tour guide. He explains everything in detail. I really enjoyed this tour and had enough time to take photos in each location.
Tilo Bartels
Tilo Bartels
The Best Bali Experience! Putu was the most amazing tour guide. He has such a pure and big heart. We travelled with him for three weeks and he made absolutely every wish we had come true. He introduced us to the culture, welcomed us into traditional rituals and made sure we were safe and satisfied all throughout. He was amazingly welcoming and we felt extremely well taken care of at all times. We can only recommend booking a tour with Putu!
Paradise with CMP We had a wonderful trip in Bali. It was well organised and the guides who accompanied us were very kind and patient. Not forgetting to mention Mr. Subarna, he took care of us even while taking to the right money exchange or taking us to nice Resturant. It’s a100% satisfaction. Thanks to Nurindo and Team !!!
Last minute booking, but got one of best service in Bali Initially I booked a private car from Klook but it was cancelled at last min. I have no choice but to look for alternative at 12 mid-night for next day trip. CMP Bali helped me get a very good driver with a reasonable price for whole day trip. I could visit around Bali without wasting time. 100% recommend for CMP Bali service.
Gusti Ngurah Darmaadi
Gusti Ngurah Darmaadi
Best driver and destination Best destination, driver very helpull and charming, attractive and always finding solution to make our holiday more memorable
Cahaya Mulia Paradiso

Tentang Kami


Kami berpengalaman menghandle ratusan klien baik perorangan maupun corporate


Keamanan adalah prioritas bagi kami sehingga tidak perlu khawatir

Profesional & Legal

Kami adalah perusahaan agen travel yang berbadan hukum resmi, legalitas jelas sehingga transaksi terjamin keamanannya.


Nikmati kemudahan dan serunya berlibur bersama kami, biar kami yang urus semuanya. Anda fokus menikmati liburan.



Pesan Sekarang

Featured tours

Paket Tour Populer


Banyak pilihan destinasi wisata yang menarik untuk liburan anda

Activity Idaman Anda

Banyak activity yang menarik dan perlu dicoba

Pilih Tempat

Ada banyak tempat yang indah dan perlu dikunjungi

Liburan Anda

Eksplor tempat liburan anda dan buat menjadi yang paling berkesan

Info & Artikel

Pantai Melasti

Pantai Melasti

Pantai Melasti adalah salah satu destinasi wisata di Bali yang menawarkan keindahan alam yang lengkap.
Pura Tanah Lot

Pura Tanah Lot

Bali merupakan salah satu destinasi wisata yang sangat populer di dunia, dengan pantai yang indah,
Pantai Pandawa Bali

Pantai Pandawa Bali

Bali merupakan salah satu destinasi wisata favorit bagi wisatawan lokal maupun mancanegara. Pulau yang terkenal
Rencanakan Liburan Anda Bersama Kami

Siap untuk menikmati liburan anda yang paling tak terlupakan?

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